How to Make "The Same Old, Same Old” Feel Special

If you find your new stay-at-home lifestyle is already getting a bit “blah”, we’ve got a few bright ideas to help liven up your day-to-day. So, get ready to break out of your “same old, same old” routine and add some versatility to your day!


1. Stay Active

Just because we’re spending more time indoors doesn’t mean we have to stay cooped up all day! Go for a brisk walk or run or even check out free online workouts or yoga sessions via a simple online search. There are plenty of creative ways to stay active while at home.

Bright Tip! Many at-home workouts can be done using what you already have, so don’t worry if you feel you don’t have the proper equipment—you can still enjoy a great workout!

2. Remix Your Leftovers

You may find yourself cooking a lot more these days, which consequently means more leftovers too. Give your leftovers new life by repurposing them to make something new! For example, if you had a side of veggies with one of your meals, you can use them to make a wrap or a soup as well. Search online for leftover recipes for inspiration on how to make each meal feel and taste like a new experience.

3. Digital Happy Hours

Like many of us, you may be having some serious withdrawals when it comes to getting together with friends for a drink or those ritualistic Sunday brunches. Luckily, technology allows us to still connect with those we miss the most during this time with video chats and digital meetups. Invite your friends and family online to enjoy a digital happy hour, brunch, dinner, or even just a casual long-distance family gathering, in just a few clicks!

4. Try A New Look

Many of us have had to transform our homes into our new office spaces. While this change may have taken away the burden of figuring out what to wear into the office every day, you can still take the initiative to experiment with a new look, like an outfit you’ve been hesitant to wear or that new makeup you have yet to try, even if you’re just on video conference calls all day. After all, when you look good, you feel good!

5. Learn Something New

With more time at home, it may become increasingly difficult to fill your days with something meaningful. Luckily, the old saying, “you learn something new every day” still rings true thanks to the internet and our ability to connect with others all across the globe. Whether you’ve always wanted to pick up a new hobby like gardening, or are interested in learning a new skill, like the subtle art of calligraphy, you can keep your mind, body and soul sharp by signing up for an online course or connecting with others online who have the same or similar interests.


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